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"non est ad astra mollis e terris via"

- Seneca - 

My name is Ana Belen Ojea.


I have studied Fashion Design at EASD Mestre Mateo based in Santiago de Compostela and Humanities at UdA (Universitat d'Andorra) and at UOC (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya)

Both degrees gave me the opportunity to adquire a better knowledge of the human cultures and their arts which always influence my fashion work. 


I usually design women clothing but I also made some works for kids and accessories. I really enjoy designing new prints (digital and hand-made) and I'm starting to learn knitting and embroidery as well. 


I have lived in Andorra, Barcelona, Germany and Spain, which made me a sort of wanderer who search for her place in this world. 


I try to learn the most in this life, so I'm always looking for new things that improve my personal journey. 




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